I want to share a wonderful quilting program organized by LouLou’s Fabric Shop, Little Lou Quilts. This program seeks to provide new, hand-made baby quilts to infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).

LouLou's Fabric Shop is kicking off the program with a goal of collecting only 100 baby quilts by March 21,2020. They will collect, wash, package & deliver all donations to a pre-selected NICU. This collection of donations will be provided to a NICU in Oregon. You can find all of the details and guidelines here: Little Lou Quilts.

As an incentive, LouLou's Fabric shop is giving away three $50 Gift Cards. All quilters who send in a quilt prior to March 21 will be entered into the gift card drawing. Details of the giveaway are here: Little Lou Quilts Giveaway
You can always donate quilts at a later date if not possible to construct one by the deadline. Be sure to follow LouLou's Fabric Shop at Facebook and Instagram and Join Me in Donating a sweet blanket!