I've been slicing and dicing into the scrap bags....by doing so, I've giving myself some usable quality units to sew into quilts! Otherwise, these piles have just been sitting around and putting a block on my creativity. There were modern prints, feed sack remnants and tidbits of other vintage pieces in the lot. I'll be joining Sherri of A Quilting Life in her March Scraps Along Challenge to use Mini Charms - those 2.5" x 2.5" mini squares of fabrics. They can be cut from scraps, jelly rolls or even purchased in cute little packs! Check out Sherri's blog to find some great projects and books to use up some of your mini charms!

I store them all in a basket and sort by color. The blue stack was more bulky so that is the color picked out!
The baskets are a great storage solution: I can quickly view which color needs to be worked with first to diminish the pile.

I started these 9-patch units which quickly turned into a commission quilt - and set them on point. All stitched together they look great!. I'm so pleased with these blocks and the finished results! Can you guess I'll be moving onto teal/turquoise colors next?

Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts OMG for March!