I have visited through all the other blogs sharing their reviews and goals and somehow feel like I just don't measure up! Alas, I am going set some goals for myself and to start, I will not compare mine with others. I will enjoy the journey and friendships that develop along the way!
In no particular order:
a) I want to learn the blogging world, stretch beyond my comfort level and acquire new skills with the technology.
b) I aim to continue being a part of Pat Sloan's yearly mystery BOM. You can find the details here. http://blog.patsloan.com/2016/12/my-2017-free-mystery-bom-the-childrens-library-supply-list.html

I enjoyed participating the past two years and have seen my skill in quilting improve immensely! Did I mentioned I started learning the process only about three years ago! I am definitely a beginner!
C) And much like many of my quilty friends, I would like to keep a journal to log my quilts and keep myself to a more strict schedule with them.
My goal list is short, although there are many achievements that are hidden within each goal! I am looking forward to 2017! Aren't you?