TONY’S CROWN ROYAL QUILT – started maybe sometime in 2014 and completed in JANUARY
2016 (made while in Spencer, WV & St. Leonard, MD)
Wedding Ring Quilt (I'm not certain of the extact name but "Sarah's Wedding Ring" comes to mind)
Quilted by
Macel Bowe of Peniel, WV
After many years of not creating and sewing (I never really understood how to put together a quilt correctly), I started taking
interest in a quilting again when my husband bought an antique quilting frame in
Morgantown, WV. I joined a local Quilting Bees group at the Roane County COA
sometime in 2014. This is the pattern chosen for a "quilt and share". I used the
Crown Royal bags sparsely because Tony wanted a quilt made of them. For a true "first" quilt, this seemed a pretty difficult pattern because I had no knowledge of 1/4" seams, squaring up blocks, adding a know...Just the basics was totally foreign to me. I'm still glad I attempted it because it gave me confidence to continue. Notice that first photo? Not a true circle, yet I was determined to make it happen!

Has anyone besides myself noticed that those Crown Royal bags are now made with an inferior type of fabric? When cut, they fray and unravel in an ugly mess. I'll be checking my stash for the older type for any future projects.
Want to attempt some perfectly pieced together quilt blocks? Me Time Delivered has beautifully curated subscription boxes that provide exceptional instructions with all the materials delivered directly to your door each month to complete your project. Find the Bella Box or the Perfectly Pieced Box here at
Me Time Delivered. Enjoy your journey!