Thursday, January 17, 2019

It Was a Mess - I Must Confess

Always searching and always sorting. I had totes and baskets and boxes galore with no knowledge of what could possibly be in them!

Before Photos. I am so ashamed.

And a Work In Progress Photo, this was closer to Day 2 of working in that room!

The room is still kind of cluttered but not a working room, just extra room... and great for storage!
I folded all the fabric of equal width to get a great stacking system. Now I may be able to find Just the right fabric I was looking for!

And All those UFO's and WIPs - Yep, I can be held accountable! Plus look at those overflowing scrap bins! Guess who needs to work on Strips and Scraps?


  1. You did a fantastic job of straightening up your fabric. Mine gets to be quite annoying at times.

    1. Not knowing where something is ....definitely annoying. I waste so much time looking

  2. LoL, your room looks like mine until last week when I was forced to clean and organize it because we had company. Now every time I walk in I smile and find treasures I forgot I had!
